After the success of SiddurAudio.com, I had been mulling for quite some time about creating a site that would make all the Haftarot instantly available online.
With the encouragement of colleagues and friends, I finally began the long process of recording the Haftarot. Since I already had the basic structure of the website in place with Siddur Audio, it was just a matter of time before this website would be created.
My goal is to get all the Haftarot uploaded, including the ones for special Shabbatot and holidays. Please be patient as we are steadily adding new haftarot all the time.
I owe a special debt of thanks to my daughter, Miryam Bendicoff who took on the project of formatting all the text of the Haftarot so that they could be displayed here on this site.
It is my hope that many of you will benefit from this new learning tool that will help people overcome the hurdle of learning the trope and chanting Haftorah.
Rabbi Mark Zimmerman
Congregation Beth Shalom – Atlanta, GA